Wednesday, January 24, 2007

No Stars in the HKSAR

Hong Kong just doesn't have the sky for stars. As a star-deprived son of an overpopulated metropolis I journeyed down south. I still remember the very first time I laid eyes on the glorious tapestry of what must have been God's cape draped majestically across Heaven... I never gave it much thought.

But as I saw it each late night I return to my abode, I found myself bewildered by the sheer amount of tiny beacons that dot the night sky of my new home. Each with its distinct blue reddish silver pink, winking at me from the horizon, or piercingly staring from on high. Some clear moonless nights I would even see shadows of stardust (nebulae) displayed in the blank spaces between stars.

One day I decided that I would get a telescope one day when I have enough money. I would put it on my balcony at the back and just scope out each star one at a time. I would let my eyes roam across Heaven's jewels, God's own treasury.