Thursday, September 27, 2007


Psalms 51:8 simply says:

Make me hear joy and gladness, that the bones You have broken may rejoice.

What else can one say? To rejoice in brokeness... what other philosophy on earth advocates total surrender? Yet it is so real. Not like the pretentous non-sense of self-help manuals, or even the ancient ways of Buddhism, superstitious beliefs of Taoism, or the self-righteousness of Islam.

I'd realise that in that last statement, I'd just blatantly smeared millions of people's beliefs. But I make no apology. The truth hurts, but it shall set you free.

That last quote, contrary to many secular beliefs, is a Christian principle. Oh man, the truth hurts.


mern said...

Hi Justin, this is my blog.. feel free to link it if you want...


mern said...

opppssss... forgot to tell yo uthe URL..