Monday, August 07, 2006

Something about Priorities

Kassandra: Walking out on him was the wisest thing I have done in my life! I couldn't stand it anymore... the constant bickering, the wise-crack jokes, the sarcasm, the FAKE concern... I've....I have had enough. He wasn't the right guy for me anyways. It was time to turn my back and take my leave. I am not gonna just stay there and TAKE it, trying to make something that won't work anyway to work out; I haven't got so much TIME... He is not worth it. *grunts* Another two years of my life WASTED! I could have been doing so much more, I could have taken that ski trip in New Zealand with Mary and the others that we were always dreaming about... or spent more time at the office: maybe then I would have gotten a raise by now... *takes in deep breath* It doesn't matter now; its over. I am a new person; I WILL be a new person. Yes. I am gonna... no I have forgotten about him already, he is history...HISTORY.

White out
Enter Mark

Mark: (In a slow drawl) Lining up at the social service clinic again. Stinks here. Must be the carpet; probably haven't been cleaned in years. I could do it for them. Worked cleaning before, wasn't that hard. *pause* Beats toughing it out on the dole all the time. *pause* Kristal needs to eat, even if I don't. Wish it wasn't so hard on her. That girl... only 6, she is just so sweet. *pause* Wish I could do more for her... now that her mother's gone AWOL she's only got me. Heh, lot of good that did her... We live in an abandoned apartment, in some abandoned part of town; you wouldn't know the place even if I told'cha. Its about as far apart from the world as you can get even in this crowded city. Beats living on the streets, I s'pose. We haven't been there long; a month? *pause* *looks impatiently at the front of queue* Why is it taking so long? Damn it, they just don't care don't they? Gotta be outta 'ere in 10 minutes. Or I might lose this pack mule job I being going to for the past few weeks. Pay's like dirt but its better than the crap they give me 'ere. But still gotta get it coz I've got nothing else. Come on, come on, if I don't show in 10 they gonna want someone else for today. That means no food today. Poor Kristal. Damn it, damn it all...

White out

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