Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Perhaps a Bit more Bitter than Sweet

The failings of the past did not matter. The uncertain future did not matter. As the doors slid shut, nothing mattered. All that mattered was beyond that which could be seen now. In that instant, I knew that one thing has ended, but yet another is spread out before me ready to begin. It is indeed something different, something that could be difficult, but ultimately, I am sure and assured that nothing can be more worth it.

To you: goodbyes are bittersweet, perhaps a bit more bitter than sweet, but I shall also say that
goodbyes are not forever.


tngying said...

We should be the smellslikeemospirit group(: Hehe. Take heart JT.

Anonymous said...

SO, do what needs to be done! (:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.